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How To Get Rid Of Fleas

by Content Team Sanlo
How To Get Rid Of Fleas | Mo and Bear PH

Fleas are more than just a nuisance for our furry friends. They can cause significant discomfort and even lead to health issues.  Fleas thrive in warm and moderately humid environments, making the Philippines a perfect spot for the pesky critters to thrive.  If your dog or cat is scratching more than usual, it’s time to take action. Here are some effective and safe methods to get rid of fleas so your pet stays happy and healthy.

Pet Flea Infestations, and Why You Need to be Concerned

Pet parents usually become concerned about fleas when they find an actual flea on their pet. But to effectively get rid of fleas in your pets, you need to address all stages of their life cycle. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine shares that fleas have a four-stage and 3-week life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The adult flea live on your dogs and cats. But eggs, larvae, and pupae can also be found in your environment. 

Imagine this–each female flea lays around 40 eggs daily on your pet’s skin. The eggs roll off to your garden, sofa, bed, carpet, and anywhere your pet stays. You now have a full-blown flea infestation. Once the larvae hatch, they form a cocoon and transform into pupae. At this stage, fleas are immune to insecticides. Fleas can remain in their warm spaces, safe for months and waiting for a potential host (yes, that’s your dog or cat). When they see the host, they become full-fledged fleas and terrorize your pets.

Don’t underestimate fleas; the little bugs can do a lot of damage to your beloved pet. A pet owner we know suffered a tragic loss after her dog passed away because of a parasitic blood infection caused by ticks and fleas. Hebron Veterinary Hospital warns that aside from blood infections, a simple flea bite can cause the following health issues:

  • Flea allergy dermatitis - flea saliva can cause itchy skin inflammation 
  • Hair loss - flea irritation makes pets scratch and bite themselves, resulting in hair loss
  • Cat scratch disease - a bacterial infection caused by Bartonella henselae bacteria that can be passed on to humans
  • Tapeworms - dogs and cats may eat fleas carrying tapeworm eggs, which can hatch and attach to your pet’s intestines

Safe And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas In Your Pets

1. Bathe Your Pet With Flea Treatment Shampoos

How To Get Rid Of Fleas - A Person Washing A Dog | Mo and Bear PH

One of the most inexpensive ways to keep fleas at bay is through regular bathing. Use a high-quality pet shampoo designed to repel fleas. Happy Life Pet Shampoo and Conditioner and Happy Life Pet Neem Soap are some of the best shampoos for fleas on dogs and cats. They’re gentle on your pet’s skin but tough on fleas. 

Both shampoo and soap are infused with natural ingredients like neem, which has antifungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. Happy Life Pet Shampoo and Conditioner also contains madre de cacao, a natural anti-itch insect repellant. After bathing, use Happy Life Pet Spray, an all-around spray that kills and repels fleas and ticks and soothes insect bites. Remember to apply our bath hacks for pets to make bath time fun for you and your furry friend.

2. Use A Flea Comb For Kittens And Puppies

How To Get Rid Of Fleas - A Cat Being Combed While Lying On The Floor | Mo and Bear PH

Brushing your pet’s fur with a flea comb is another straightforward and budget-friendly way to get rid of fleas. Unlike regular combs, a flea comb has very narrow spaces between each tooth or tine. The comb reaches down to the skin on a single pass, capturing fleas and their droppings.

PetMD (https://www.petmd.com/dog/general-health/what-are-flea-combs-for-dogs) says that when used appropriately, flea combs can help with parasite diagnosis and prevention. Combing fleas only works on adult fleas but can help decrease the flea population in kittens and puppies. Flea combing works on kittens and puppies and isn’t recommended for larger pets.

3. Invest In Flea Preventives

How To Get Rid Of Fleas - A Black Cat In A Pot | Mo and Bear PH

Prevention is key to keeping fleas away. Schedule regular vet visits for your pet to ensure they’re flea-free and healthy. A parasitic blood infection caused by fleas can show the same symptoms as other health issues. Regular check-ups and lab work help avoid the wrong diagnosis. 

Your vet will also recommend the best flea treatment for your pet. Topical flea and tick treatments are applied to a specific spot in your pet’s body, but they also work on their entire body. Their effect lasts several weeks even if your pet bathes, swims, or gets wet in the rain. 

Your vet may also recommend oral flea and tick medication, which can be combined with topical medication. If your pet is used to taking their medication orally, these chewable anti-flea tablets will be easy to administer. The flea treatment tablet disrupts the life cycle of fleas, but it won’t kill adult fleas.

Another option is using a flea collar. However, this flea preventive might not be effective if you have a bad flea infestation at home or if your pet has lots of fur. Ask your veterinarian to help you decide the best solution for your pet.

4. Clean Your Home

How To Get Rid Of Fleas - A Person Cleaning A Room With A Person Using A Computer | Mo and Bear PH

Fleas don’t just live on your pet; they can infest your home too. Once you see a flea jumping around in your house, you can bet that other fleas and their eggs are lurking in the shadows. To keep your home free from fleas:

  • Vacuum - regularly vacuum carpets, rugs, sofas, and bedding to remove fleas and their eggs. Properly dispose of the vacuum bag and clean the canister immediately to prevent re-infestation
  • Wash - Wash your pet’s bedding, toys, and any fabric they frequently come in contact with. Use hot water and pet-safe detergent
  • Use a home cleanser - Happy Life Pet Home Cleanser is perfect for cleaning a pet lover’s home. It’s proven safe for pets by top vet clinics in the country.

5. Keep Your Yard Clean

How To Get Rid Of Fleas - A Person Mowing The Grass | Mo and Bear PH

If your pet spends time outdoors, your yard or garden could be souce of fleas. To manage a flea infestation, follow these steps:

Mow your lawn - keep your grass short so fleas can’t hide from you

Remove debris - Clear away any piles of leaves, grass clippings, and other debris where fleas might thrive

Use pet-safe outdoor treatment - Ask your vet about pet-safe yard and kennel sprays that can kill fleas, flea larvae, flea eggs, and ticks. PetMD also recommends natural remedies like cedar wood chips, nematodes (microscopic worms), and diatomaceous earth (DE).

The Best Pet Flea Prevention Routine

Staying on top of flea prevention requires maintaining a routine: 

  • Weekly - Bathe your dog or cat with the best shampoo for fleas and use the flea comb to check for any signs of fleas
  • Daily - Brush your pet’s fur and vacuum high-traffic areas in your home
  • Monthly - Wash your pet’s bedding and treat your yard if necessary
  • Seasonally - Schedule a vet check-up and apply any recommended flea preventives

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and prevent flea infestations and keep your pet happy and flea-free! Remember, consistency is key, and combining multiple methods with the advice of your vet will give you the best results.


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