Bath Hacks For Pets

by Content Team Sanlo
Bath Hacks For Pets

Bath time for pets can often be challenging, with many furry companions expressing their reluctance through dramatic protests. However, turning bath time into an enjoyable and positive experience is possible. With a bit of creativity and patience, you can transform bath time into a fun and bonding activity for you and your four-legged friend.

How to Make Bath Time Fun for Pets?

1. Use A Bathmat

If you’re using the tub or sink to wash your pets, make the surface less slippery. Pets feel uncomfortable when they’re unsure of their footing. Think of it this way–you don’t want to slip and slide when you or your children are bathing. Dogs and cats are no different!

Ikea sells this cute Patrull crocodile-shaped bathtub mat in green. It even has a hole so you can hang it to dry. Bath mats come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Choose a mat that fits your surface and your pet!

2.  Use A Shower Head Or A Dipper (Tabo)

Bath Hacks For Pets - Use A Shower Head Or A Dipper (Tabo)

Avoid putting your best pal directly under running water. While some dogs (and a few select cats) tolerate baths and even enjoy them, many also hate getting waterlogged. Adding a detachable showerhead to your faucet can make the experience more pleasant.

Choose a showerhead that lets you adjust the flow of water. Some brands allow you to control the amount and type of water spray. Some showerheads also double as bathing gloves and combs, so you can gently massage them while showering. Pet bathing showerheads are inexpensive in online stores, but if you don’t want to buy one, you can always use your trusty tabo.

3. Keep The Water Warm

If you want to keep bath time a pleasant experience for your pets, use lukewarm water. Dogs may like splashing around in cold water on a hot day. But generally, dogs and cats feel uncomfortable with water that’s too hot or cold, just like humans.

Don’t forget to check the water’s temperature before you put your pets in the tub. A thermometer may be overkill (though some pet parents use one). PetMD says you can simply spray the water on your arm first, just like when bathing a baby. After all, our pets are our babies too!

4. Use A Cat Grooming Bath Bag

Nobody wants to get scratched by a cat who hates baths! This could very well be the tagline of some poor furparents who have tried bathing their cats. Thankfully, you can now buy breathable mesh bags suitable for cat bathing (and grooming). You can also use the mesh laundry bag you have at home.

Simply slip your kitty in the bag so they don’t wreak havoc and keep their paws to themselves. Note that not all pet parents have had success with this cat-in-the-bag trick. But you can find several success stories on YouTube if you want to see how other furparents did it.

5. Choose Eco-Friendly Pet Bath Products

Harsh chemicals in your pet’s shampoo can cause skin irritation. A study in theInternational Journal of Toxicology shows that the wrong amount or prolonged use of sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate, often used in shampoos, causes sickness and skin irritation in animals and humans.

It’s important to choose the best pet products for bath time. For a gentle cleanse, use eco-friendly products that are safe for pets and keep pesky insects and irritations at bay.

One of Mo & Bear’s partners, Happy Life Organics, offers all-natural pet shampoos and conditioners to keep your pets clean and fresh. Best of all, Happy Life Bath Time Bundles contain Neem oil, which effectively treats skin diseases, ticks, and fleas in pets.

Happy Life

6. Gently Wash Your Pet’s Face And Ears

Many dogs and cats don’t appreciate water getting into their ears or eyes. Be careful as you bathe them around these areas. Water in your pet’s ears can lead to an infection, while shampoo can irritate their eyes.

You can use a soft washcloth to clean their faces. To make bath time easier, trim the fur around a dog’s eyes if you have a long-haired breed. Don’t allow water to enter your pet’s ears while bathing as a way to clean them. Instead, use a vet-approved medication to clean their ears.

7. Dry Your Pet Thoroughly After Their Bath

Bath Hacks For Pets - Dry Your Pet Thoroughly After Their Bath

Done with your pet’s bath? Expect cats to give you an evil eye while puppers get the zoomies! While they’re at it, do your best to dry them with a soft towel. You can use hair dryers if they have long fur, but keep the settings low and cool. Avoid the hot and full-blast setting since the noise and heat can scare or hurt them.

You can also use your electric fan if you don’t have a dryer. Some dogs love lying in front of the fan after a bath, especially on hot summer days. Gently comb them while drying so the fur doesn’t get tangled. You don’t want them to have messy hair just right after their bath!

8. Give Them Lots Of Lovin’

What’s the best post-bath activity? Lots of hugs and kisses! Reward your pets with cuddles and smooches. It also won’t hurt to give them a healthy treat. The after-bath bonding is why we at Mo & Bear enjoy bathing our pets ourselves.

Some pets are overly dramatic when it comes to bathing. Some pets may have had traumatic bath time experiences if you’re not their first owner. Cuddles and rewards help them associate bathing with a fun activity.

Note: If you find it impossible to bathe your pet, you might have to seek the help of a veterinarian or a professional pet behaviorist.

Make Bath Time Enjoyable for Your Best Buddy

Bathing can be a pleasant experience for you and your pets. You just need patience, positive reinforcement, and a bit of creativity. Applying these tips lets you transform bath time from a dreaded task into a fun bonding activity.

Here at Mo & Bear, we want to give you and your pets the best lifestyle experiences. If you share the same love for pets, follow our Facebook page and connect with us. Let us know if our bathing tips helped you!


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