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Why Choose Moringa-Enriched Cat Food

by Content Team Sanlo
Why Choose Moringa-Enriched Cat Food

Today, let’s shine a light on moringa, the miracle plant and the game-changing ingredient in our purr-inducing product, Purr Delight cat food. You might be curious why we opted to add moringa to our pet food. Can malunggay truly make a difference in your cat’s diet (and even impact the world)? Moringa in pet food isn’t just a passing trend; it’s one of the best supplements to add to your pet’s diet, and today, we’ll uncover why!

Moringa: The Pet Superfood

Why Choose Moringa-Enriched Cat Food - Moringa: The Pet Superfood

Moringa, also known as malunggay, has earned its reputation as a miracle tree due to its myriad benefits. And we’re basing our assertion not on hyped-up claims, but science! A study on the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention says that almost every part of the plant serves a nutritional purpose. Purr Delight exclusively adds malunggay leaves to provide your pets with a healthy dose of immune-boosting vitamins and disease-fighting flavonoids. It's not just about keeping up with the trend; it's about nourishing your pet with the goodness of moringa for their overall well-being.

The International Journal of Food Science (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8373516/) highlights the nutritional richness of moringa, showing its superiority over other common vegetables and fruits in delivering essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin C Supercharge - Moringa leaves surpass oranges in vitamin C content, providing a whopping 7 times more of this crucial immune-boosting vitamin. Vitamin C is instrumental in supporting the immune system, aiding in the synthesis of collagen, and acting as a potent antioxidant that combats free radicals.
  • Vitamin A Enrichment - Cats and dogs need vitamin A for optimal vision, immune function, and skin health. Moringa outshines carrots by delivering 10 times more vitamin A, ensuring that your pets receive ample support for their eyesight and overall immune response.
  • Calcium Fortification - Essential for bone health, calcium is abundant in moringa, boasting 17 times more than milk. This mineral is vital for maintaining strong bones and teeth, supporting the heart, and ensuring proper nervous system functioning.
  • Protein Boost - Moringa leaves outshine yogurt by providing 9 times more protein. Protein is fundamental for muscle development and overall growth, making moringa a valuable addition to your pet's diet.
  • Potassium Powerhouse - Moringa offers a potassium boost that surpasses bananas by 15 times. Potassium is essential for maintaining proper heart and muscle function, ensuring that your pets stay active and healthy.
  • Iron Infusion - Iron is a crucial mineral for physiological functioning, and moringa leaves excel by providing 25 times more iron than spinach. This is particularly important for preventing iron deficiency anemia in cats and dogs, supporting their overall health and vitality.

Sustainability in Every Bite

Why Choose Moringa-Enriched Cat Food - Sustainability in Every Bite

Beyond its nutritional prowess, moringa aligns with Mo and Bear’s commitment to sustainability. Moringa trees are known for their resilience and ability to thrive in various climates, requiring minimal water and soil resources. This eco-friendly aspect makes moringa a sustainable choice for our pet food.

At Purr Delight, we believe in responsible sourcing and ethical practices. The incorporation of moringa in our special cat food allows us to support sustainable agriculture, promoting the cultivation of a plant that benefits both pets and the planet. By choosing Purr Delight with moringa, you're not just providing your cat with top-notch nutrition; you're contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious pet food industry.

Supporting Local Communities

Why Choose Moringa-Enriched Cat Food - Sustainability in Every Bite

Another aspect of sustainability is our commitment to supporting local communities. Moringa cultivation often involves small-scale farmers, and by including this superfood in our pet food, we contribute to the livelihoods of these farmers. Our customers might not directly “feel” it, but we hope that our choice creates a positive ripple effect and fosters economic sustainability at the grassroots level.

Moringa cultivation often involves small-scale farmers who play a vital role in the agricultural landscape of the Philippines. Sadly, the moringa industry in the country faces many challenges. Research from the International Society for Horticultural Science shows that there’s a shortage of good quality fresh and dry moringa raw materials amidst the growing demand. A Manila Bulletin article also shares that most of our malunggay comes from backyards and is not fit for export (hands up if you have a malunggay tree growing in your garden!). By sourcing moringa locally, Purr Delight not only ensures the freshness and quality of the ingredients. We also hope to contribute to the growth of the moringa industry in the Philippines and the livelihoods of our hardworking Filipino farmers.

Why Choose Moringa-Enriched Cat Food - Purr Delight With Moringa: A Greener, Healthier Choice for Pets

Purr Delight With Moringa: A Greener, Healthier Choice for Pets

Consider the impact your choices can have on both your pet's well-being and our local communities. Purr Delight tuna cat food with moringa is not just a pet food choice; it's a step towards sustainable and healthier choices! 

Best of all, Purr Delight is not only enriched with moringa but also made with locally sourced and real tuna flakes. We don’t use fillers or extenders to produce cheap pet food that lacks nutritional value. As pet owners ourselves, we only want what’s best for our furbabies! Grab a can–or better yet, several cans–of Purr Delight and let your feline friend enjoy the nourishing benefits of moringa!


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