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14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely

by Content Team Sanlo
14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely | Mo and Bear PH

As kids start going back to school, families face the challenge of adjusting to new routines. Amidst the hustle and bustle of back-to-school preparations, it’s important not to overlook the impact this change can have on our dogs. 

Dogs that have grown used to constant companionship during the summer may struggle with the sudden increase in alone time. Preparing your dog for this transition is crucial for their well-being. Here are some tips for leaving your dog alone at home and helping them adjust smoothly.

How Long Can You Leave Your Dog Alone At Home?

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Dog Sitting On The Floor | Mo and Bear PH

Some sources say dogs can be left alone depending on their breed and temperament. However, it’s important to understand that dogs shouldn’t be left alone to fend for themselves for more than 6 hours. Central Valley Animal Hospital says you can leave a healthy adult dog alone at home for 4-6 hours. Meanwhile, puppies under 6 months shouldn’t be left alone for more than 2-3 hours.

While some adult dogs can adapt to being alone for 8 hours, they hardly enjoy it.  If you’ve ever seen dogs exhibiting destructive behavior like destroying sofas, barking, and howling while their pet parents are away, chances are, these poor furbabies are experiencing separation anxiety. Following these tips can help your furry friend adjust to a quiet house when back to school starts.

Home Alone for Dogs: What Pet Parents Should Do

1. Gradually Give Your Dog Alone Time

Start preparing your pet for alone time by gradually increasing the periods they spend alone. Begin with short 5-10 minute intervals and slowly extend them over a few hours. This will help your pet get used to the new routine without feeling abandoned.

2. Provide Your Dog’s Basic Needs

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Dog Sitting Next To A Bowl Of Food | Mo and Bear PH

Make sure your dog has access to fresh water, a designated potty area, and enough food while you're away. Set up an automatic water dispenser and feeder to keep their water and food supply fresh and clean. If your dog is trained to use indoor potty pads, place them in an accessible area.

3. Keep Your Dog’s Space Clean And Comfortable

Ensure your pet has a designated happy place they can retreat to when they’re alone. This could be a cozy bed in a quiet corner or a special room equipped with their favorite toys and blankets. Make this space inviting and clean for your pet by using Happy Pet Home Cleanser with plant-based and pet-safe ingredients.

4. Provide Mental Stimulation

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Dog Playing With A Stuffed Animal | Mo and Bear PH

Boredom can lead to anxiety and destructive behavior in pets. Keep their minds engaged with puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and interactive games. These activities can provide mental stimulation and keep your pet occupied while you’re away.

5. Establish A Consistent Routine

Pets thrive on routine. Establish a consistent schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime. Stick to this routine as closely as possible, even on weekends. A predictable schedule can help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of stability for your furry friend.

6. Avoid Emotional Goodbyes And Greetings

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Child Holding A Dog | Mo and Bear PH

We understand you’re happy to see your dog. But long, emotional goodbyes and overly excited greetings won’t help their anxiety. Instead, keep your departures and arrivals low-key. This helps reduce separation anxiety in pets and teaches them that being alone is a normal part of their routine.

7. Use Interactive Technology

Consider investing in pet cameras and interactive technology. Pet cameras allow you to check in on your pet and even talk to them while you’re away. Some devices also dispense treats, providing your pet with a fun surprise and reassurance that you’re still around.

8. Give Your Dog Plenty Of Exercise

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Person Walking A Dog On A Leash | Mo and Bear PH

Ensure your dog gets plenty of physical exercise. A tired pet is less likely to be anxious or destructive. Regular walks, playtime, and exercise can help burn off excess energy and keep your dog from being lonely when you and the kids are away.

9. Consider Doggy Daycare Or A Pet Sitter

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Person Holding A Dog | Mo and Bear PH

If your dog has trouble being alone or you’re concerned about them being home alone for extended periods, consider doggy daycare or hiring a trusted pet sitter. Doggy daycare provides socialization and playtime with other dogs. A pet sitter can offer personalized attention and care, so you can worry less about leaving your dog at home.

10. Play Soothing Music Or Sounds

Music can have a calming effect on dogs. There are various playlists and soundtracks specifically designed for pets to help reduce anxiety and stress. Playing soothing music or nature sounds when you’re not home can create a calming environment for your pet.

11. Use Pet-Safe Aromatherapy

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A White Aroma Diffuser With A Small Bottle Of Essential Oil | Mo and Bear PH

Aromatherapy isn't just for humans; it can also benefit pets. Essential oils like lavender and chamomile have calming properties that help reduce stress in pets. Be sure to use pet-safe essential oils and consult with a veterinarian before use.

12. Leave Comfort Items For Your Dog

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Dog Wrapped In A Blanket | Mo and Bear PH

Leaving items such as a shirt you wore or a favorite blanket can help your dog cope with anxiety. The scent can provide a sense of security while you’re away. The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (https://petsitters.org/page/SeparationAnxietyinPetsHowDoYouHandleIt) recommends this desensitization strategy to handle separation anxiety in pets.

13. Monitor Your Dog's Behavior

Keep an eye on any changes in your dog's behavior during the transition period. Look out for signs of stress such as excessive barking, chewing, or changes in eating habits. Address any issues promptly to ensure your dog’s well-being.

14. Get Professional Help

14 Expert Tips for Leaving Your Dog Alone at Home Safely - A Person Sitting In A Chair With A Dog | Mo and Bear PH

If your pet struggles significantly with the transition, consider seeking professional help. A veterinarian or a pet behaviorist can provide valuable advice and, if necessary, recommend treatments or training techniques to alleviate your pet’s anxiety.

Keep Your Dog Less Lonely When Back to School Starts

A dog alone at home doesn’t have to be an unhappy dog. While adjusting to the back-to-school routine can be challenging for clingy dogs and pet owners, these strategies can make the transition smoother. 

Remember, each pet requires tailored attention to ensure their well-being. By following these tips, your dog can adjust to the new routine, making the back-to-school period stress-free for your family and furry friends.


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