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Happy National Hug Your Cat Day!

by Content Team Sanlo
Happy National Hug Your Cat Day

Did you know National Hug Your Cat Day is actually an unofficial holiday in the United States? It happens every June 4, a perfect day to give your favorite cats some snuggle time. Although this celebration isn’t well-known in the Philippines, cat lovers everywhere can appreciate a special day dedicated to showing their pets affection. 

Hugging your cat has numerous benefits for both you and your furry friend. However, many cats avoid hugs like the plague. So, what do you do when your kitty hates cuddles? Here’s how you can love your cats on this special day (even if they hate hugs).

The History of National Hug Your Cat Day

National Hug Your Cat Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated primarily in the United States on June 4. While the exact origins of this day are unclear, it likely emerged from the growing trend of pet holidays designed to honor our furry friends and promote their well-being. Over the years, this day has gained popularity thanks to the rise of social media, where cat owners share their adorable cuddling moments with their pets. Though it hasn't yet become a widespread tradition in the Philippines, we hope the universal language of affection for pets will cause more countries to embrace this heartwarming day.

Why Should You Cuddle With Your Cat

Happy National Hug Your Cat Day - A Girl In Sweaters Hugging And Kissing Her Pet Cat | Mo and Bear PH

1. Hugging your cat is a sign of love and affection

Should there even be a need to ask this question? Hugging pets is second nature to loving pet parents. We do it instinctively to show love and attention. We can’t help ourselves because our cats are so cute and lovable! 

2. Hugging your cat improves your well-being

Cat lovers can attest to the health benefits of pets. Quiet time spent cuddling your cat can calm anxious thoughts and reduce stress. Ctudies cited by NIH News in Healthshow that human-animal interactions can decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Scientists are finding out what pet owners have known all along–there’s nothing better than coming home after a long day and hugging your pet.

3. Hugging your cat makes them healthy

Did you know that cuddling your cat also benefits them? We don’t need all these scientific studies to justify cuddle time with cats, but it’s good that researchers took time to study their effects. A study published on Preventive Veterinary Medicine shows that gentle stroking and vocalization (called “gentling”) positively affected anxious cats in animal shelters and reduced the likelihood of upper respiratory disease. It’s time to hug your cat!

How to Tell If Your Cat Loves Hugs

Hug my cat? But they hate it! 

Only cat owners know–some cats hate to be hugged. They might even swipe at your nose if you get too close. Cats have different personalities just like humans. Some tolerate hugging, some love it, and some totally detest it. You’ll know they hate hugs through their body language. If they like what you’re doing, they’ll usually purr, relax their bodies, and ask for more hugs. 

Cats that hate hugs will definitely show you they hate it. If they don’t run away fast, they’ll push you away or show their annoyance. If their ears are pushed back and their tails are swishing, they’re stressed and hate what you’re doing. Some cats will even growl to show their displeasure. 

When this happens, respect their boundaries and show your affection in other ways. A cat we know named Red, for example, loathes being picked up but loves a good ear scratch. You can also give them their favorite treat or a new toy. Personally, we like to spoil our cats with Purr Delight products—the pickiest eaters love our premium, all-natural cat food. You never know, your hug-hating cat might even tolerate some kisses and cuddles after they try it!

How to Hug Your Cat

Perhaps your cat hates hugs because of the way you approach them. PetMD (https://www.petmd.com/cat/behavior/should-you-hug-cats) warns against swooping in like a giant predator, catching them off guard, and hoisting them in the air. Be gentle and approach them slowly. Start with some gentle scratches on the head before going for body rubs. If your cat shows pleasure, try hugging them. But don’t squeeze too tightly or they might bolt!

Tips for Creating a Cuddle-Friendly Environment

Happy National Hug Your Cat Day - A Black Cat Being Cuddled And Loved By The Owner | Mo and Bear PH

If your cat isn’t a fan of hugs, it might help to create a more cuddle-friendly environment. Here are some tips to make your home a haven for cozy cat cuddles:

  • Provide safe spaces - Cats feel more secure when they have safe, enclosed spaces to retreat to. Consider setting up cozy cat beds or blankets in quiet areas of your home.
  • Cuddle while young - Let your cat get used to hugs while they’re kittens. Integrate hugging during play and rest time. 
  • Establish routine - Cats thrive on routine. By establishing regular times for feeding, play, and cuddles, your cat will know what to expect and feel more comfortable.
  • Gentle approach - Always approach your cat calmly and gently. Sudden movements or loud noises can startle them, making them less likely to enjoy cuddle time.
  • Respect boundaries - Pay attention to your cat’s body language and respect their limits. Some cats may prefer short, gentle strokes over full-body hugs.

Hug Your Cat Every Day

Hugging your cat doesn’t have to be reserved for National Hug Your Cat Day. Incorporating cuddle time into your daily routine can enhance your bond and provide ongoing benefits. Here are some ways to make cuddling a regular part of your life:

  • Morning cuddles - Start your day with a few minutes of gentle petting while you’re still in bed. This can be a relaxing way for both you and your cat to wake up.
  • Evening wind-down - After a long day, spend some quiet time with your cat. Sit on the couch with a good book or watch TV while your cat snuggles beside you.
  • Post-meal snuggles - Cats often feel content and sleepy after a meal. This can be an ideal time for a cuddle session.
  • Interactive play - Use interactive toys to engage your cat in play, followed by a gentle cuddle session as they wind down.

Integrate these small moments of affection into your routine to reinforce your bond with your cat and enjoy the numerous benefits from these special interactions.

Celebrate National Hug Your Cat Day

National Hug Your Cat Day is a wonderful way to show your feline friend just how much they mean to you. Whether your cat loves to be hugged or prefers other forms of affection, taking the time to understand and respect their preferences will strengthen your bond. Remember, the benefits of hugging your cat extend beyond just physical affection; it’s a way to improve both your and your cat’s well-being. So, on June 4 and every day, take a moment to give your cat the love and attention they deserve. Happy hugging!


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