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Dog Shampoo Alternatives

by Content Team Sanlo
Dog Shampoo Alternatives | Mo and Bear PH

What do you do when you suddenly run out of dog shampoo? Or what if you prefer using natural rather than commercial products? This list of dog shampoo substitutes can be just as effective in keeping your dog clean and healthy. Best of all, you probably already have these dog shampoo alternatives at home.

1. Human Baby Shampoo

Dog Shampoo Alternatives - A Baby In A Bathtub | Mo and Bear PH

It’s tempting (and sometimes, cheaper) to use human shampoo when you run out of dog shampoo. However, many human shampoos contain synthetic ingredients that may harm your beloved pet. For a gentle dog bath, use human baby shampoo instead. 

Baby shampoos have multiple benefits for pets as a dog shampoo alternative. They’re formulated to be mild and less likely to irritate their skin. Many are also tear-free, so they won’t sting your dog’s eyes if a small amount accidentally gets into them. And since baby shampoos are a common household item, they’re easily accessible when you need to bathe your dog. 

While baby shampoo is a mild and convenient option, note that dogs have a different pH balance in their skin compared to humans. For regular use, you should still use a shampoo specifically formulated for dogs.

2. Baking Soda Dog Bath

Dog Shampoo Alternatives - A Glass Jar With A Lid Open And A White Powder Spilling Out | Mo and Bear PH

Did you know you can prepare a bath for your dog using baking soda? Baking soda is a household staple that can effectively double as a dog shampoo alternative.  Unlike some commercial shampoos, it’s mild and less likely to cause allergic reactions or dry skin. Baking soda is also known for neutralizing odor, turning your smelly dog into a freshly pampered pooch.

There are different ways to use baking soda as a dog shampoo:

A. Dry Baking Soda Rub 

  1. For a dry bath, sprinkle baking soda directly onto your dog’s coat, avoiding the eyes and ears. The American Kennel Club recommends using one cup of baking soda alone or combining it with one cup of cornstarch. 
  2. Massage the baking soda into the coat, allowing it to absorb oils and odors. If your dog doesn’t like having the powder directly applied to them, you can use a towel sprinkled with baking soda. Gently rub your dog with the towel.
  3. After a few minutes, brush your dog’s fur thoroughly to remove the baking soda.

B. Baking Soda Bath

Many pet shampoos already contain baking soda. You can also make your own homemade dog shampoo using this ingredient. Dr. Thomas Pickard, a veterinarian interviewed by PetMD, recommends mixing three tablespoons of baking soda with one quart (946 ml or 4 cups) of warm water. After a few minutes, wash thoroughly to avoid skin irritation.

3. Oatmeal Dog Shampoo

Dog Shampoo Alternatives - A Spoon On Top Of Oatmeal | Mo and Bear PH

You’ve likely seen oatmeal used in human bath products. This popular ingredient does wonders for the skin. But did you know that oatmeal can be just as beneficial for your furry friend? Friendly Animal Clinic says oatmeal is an effective homemade dog shampoo remedy, particularly for calming minor itches. It’s touted for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help to soothe and moisturize dry, irritated skin. 

To use oatmeal as a dog shampoo alternative, follow these steps:

Oatmeal Bath

  1. Grind plain, unflavored oats into fine powder with a blender or food processor. 
  2. Add the oatmeal powder to warm bathwater and stir until it’s well-dissolved. 
  3. Let your dog soak in the oatmeal bath for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly

Oatmeal Paste (For Targeted Relief On Itchy Areas)

  1. Mix the ground oatmeal powder with a small amount of water to create a thick paste.
  2. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse off thoroughly.

4. Castile Soap

Dog Shampoo Alternatives - A Close Up Of A Castile Soap | Mo and Bear PH

Pure castile soap is a plant-based and multipurpose cleaner traditionally made from olive oil or other vegetable oils. You can find it in liquid or bar forms. Eco-friendly and free from harsh chemicals, it's one of the best dog shampoo alternatives for pets with sensitive skin. You can use it on its own or with other essential oils or vinegar for added benefits.

To use castile soap on your dog, follow these steps:

  1. Wet your dog thoroughly and squirt or apply the soap on their body. For added benefits, you can mix a few drops of dog-safe essential oils like lavender into the soap.
  2. Massage the soap in to create a rich lather.
  3. Rinse and dry your dog.

5. Coconut Oil

Dog Shampoo Alternatives - A Bottle Of Coconut Oil | Mo and Bear PH

Coconut oil has become a health food fad because of its incredible healing properties. Aside from this, it's a fantastic natural product for dog grooming. Rich in fatty acids, coconut oil moisturizes your dog’s dry skin, leaving their coat soft, shiny, and smooth. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties can also help prevent infections.

To use coconut oil as a dog shampoo alternative, mix it with a mild natural soap or castile soap. You can also warm up a small amount of coconut oil in your hands. After their usual bath, massage the coconut oil into your dog’s coat and skin. Focus on problem areas or dry spots while avoiding the eyes. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing any excess oil with warm water. 

6. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse For Dogs

Dog Shampoo Alternatives - A Jar Of Apple Cider Vinegar Next To Apples | Mo and Bear PH

Another versatile household item, apple cider vinegar is another wholesome dog shampoo alternative. Apple cider vinegar is known for its antibacterial properties and ability to restore the pH balance of your dog’s skin, making it an excellent choice for dogs with sensitive or itchy skin.

Whole Dog Journal advises doing a 24-hour spot test before applying the apple cider vinegar to your dog’s body. If your dog doesn’t vomit or have reddish or itchy skin afterward, you can continue with the vinegar rinse. Dilute the apple cider vinegar 50-50 with water and apply it to your dog’s coat. The vinegar will reduce dandruff, calm itchy skin, and make your dog’s coat soft and shiny.

Use Happy Life, the Best Alternative to Commercial Dog Shampoo

All these alternatives are suitable if you’re down to your last drop of dog shampoo. Options like baking soda baths, vinegar rinses, oatmeal, castile soap, and even human baby shampoo offer various benefits. They can moisturize your dog’s coat and soothe irritated skin. Some may also be easier on the wallet compared to many commercial dog bath products.

However, it’s still best to use a shampoo specially formulated for dogs. Happy Life Pet Shampoo and Conditioner not only cleanses but also provides natural protection against fleas and ticks, keeping your dog healthy and stress-free. Formulated with dog-friendly ingredients like neem, aloe vera, and lavender, it’s gentle and safe on your dog’s skin. With Happy Life, you can trust your dog gets all the care they deserve, naturally and effectively.


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